
This hybrid training program provides participants with a comprehensive grasp of EMDR therapy in grief-related counseling. The training consists of a 1-day workshop, combining in-person and online components, with a primary focus on guiding participants through EMDR-related history-taking and treatment-planning considerations specific to clients acing grief-related challenges.

So make sure not to miss out! 


Hybrid Training!

Live (in-person) & Virtual

February 9, 2024

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (CST)

(8:30 AM registration begins)

Location and Capacity

The Training Room at Colony Park

3737 Woodland Avenue, Suite 650

West Des Moines,
lowa 50266

(Capacity: 60)

Virtual through Zoom Webinar 
(Capacity: 100)



Course Curriculum

  • 1

    How to use this template

    • Meet Krista

    • Overview, Objectives and Agenda

    • Presentation Slides

    • Additional Course Materials

    • Lesson 1: Understanding grief & loss, patterns and structures of grief, application of EMDR to grief and loss, grief vs. depression vs trauma, Complicated mourning, Traumatic, Anticipatory & Disenfranchised Grief with case examples

    • Lesson 1: AIP & Dogs video example

    • Lesson 1 Gratitude Rock

    • Lesson 1 Tapping into Love

    • Lesson 1 Circle of Love

    • Lesson 2: Loving Your Parts

    • Lesson 2 Part 1 Guide for Grief: Phase 2, Preparation, 3 Phases of Mourning & 6 “R” Processes of Mourning , Rules for Healing, After-Death Communication, Three Protocols for Processing: Standard Protocol, EMDR-PRECI , EMDR-IADC, Questions & Wrap up

    • Lesson 1 Ready for EMDR

    • References

    • Continuing Education Credits

    • Lesson 1: Part 1

    • Lesson 1 Part 2

    • Lesson 1 Part 3

    • Lesson 4 Part 4

    • Lesson 1 Part 5

Course Objectives

  • Distinguish the difference between commonly used definitions of grief and loss.

  • Recognize the underlying patterns and structures that shape the experience of grief and loss .

  • Identify EMDR-related history-taking and treatment-planning considerations when working with clients facing grief-related challenges.

  • Describe appropriate resourcing, support, and psychological first aid for clients with grief-related challenges who are preparing for EMDR .

  • Recall the importance of the After-Death Communication (ADC) when working with clients experiencing grief .

  • Assess for EMDR readiness for processing grief and mourning .

  • Apply the EMDR Guide for Grief with clients facing grief-related challenges and describe EMDR processing considerations involving grief and loss .

Full Price

(Full price effective January 16, 2024 - February 9, 2024)


February 9, 2024 (Friday)

8:30 - 9:00

Registration and Log-In

9:00 - 10:15

Introduction to Grief

10:15 - 10:30

Underlying Patterns and Structures of Grief

10:30 - 11:45 
Connecting EDMR with Griefs

11:45 - 12:45 

12:45 - 2:30                        

Intake, Assessment, Resourcing, Support, and Psychological First Aid (includes videos)

2:30 - 2:45 

Afternoon Break

2:45 - 3:50 

After-Death Communication, the Standard Protocol, EMDR - PRECI, and EMDR-IADC 

3:50- 4:00 

Q&A and wrap-up! 

Continuing Education Credit

EMDRIA Credits: 6 (#15007-66)

CE Credits: 6 is the provider of (CEs).

Certificates are awarded online after completion of the workshop. Participants print their own certificate after registering at, entering a keycode, and completing an evaluation form.

Licensed Professionals should contact their regulatory board to determine course approval.

EMDRIA: EMDR & Beyond LLC is an EC Provider #15007 and this program #15007-66 is approved for 6 EMDRIA Credits. Eligibility for EMDRIA Credits is restricted to those who have completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic EMDR Training.

To receive CE's or EMDRIA credits, you must attend the entire program during the in-person or or live webinar. No partial credits are available, and you cannot receive credits for watching a recording.

Click here to learn more about CE-Classes Accrediting Bodies

About the Instructor(s)


Krista is passionate that understanding the mind and body connection is vital to improved mental health and wellbeing. Completing her Master of Social Work at Carleton University, she has also worked in government and health care settings. Specializing in trauma and grief, Krista’s private practice focuses on psychotherapy encompassing EMDR, Ego State Therapy, Narrative Therapy, and the Safe and Sound Protocol. She is the Co-Director of the West Ottawa Wellness clinic, and a Consultant with the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI), where she delivers mental health-related training. As an EMDRIA-approved Consultant, Krista is committed to professional development and offers EMDR-related coaching and consultation services. Her latest projects are a workshop for mental health professionals and a self-help book to support anyone experiencing grief and loss.

Grievance Policy

We seek to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner. Please submit a written grievance to Maire Abanes at [email protected]. Grievances would receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems.

Cancellation Policy

We will allow refunds up to 3 days prior to the event less a $15 processing fee. Cancellations after that are non-refundable.

Conflict of Interest Policy

There is no known commercial interest or conflict of interest for this workshop.


Live workshops are held in facilities which are in compliance with the Americans Disabilities Act. For in-person, virtual or online course programs, please contact info@emdrandbeyond if special accommodation is required.